
Congo Rally, Lexington KY Feb. 17 2024

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We went out for the Congo Rally in Downtown Lexington, February 17th 2024. This rally was held to raise awareness of the decades of violence and war that's been ravaging the Democratic Republic of Congo and also highlight the silence of these issues from the international community.

There are things that need to be said, and need to be known about what's going on in Congo. During the rally, all sorts of personal stories were told about the issues that have heavily affected so many people's lives.

Omni Media is all about telling stories, so we put this video together to capture the essence of the rally as best as we could.

Here's an article that you can read for some more information: https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2024/02/17/congo-rally-

“Because Everyone has a Story to Tell”

And rallies are NO exception to that!


King Kold - INFINITY (Official Music Video)


Omni Media Ltd. Co. Visits: Kung Fu Tea x TKK Fried Chicken